Personal Data Protection Act

EasyParcel is committed to prevent personal data of individuals being used in an inappropriate manner, and ensure compliance with legal, and regulatory requirements for data protection, and privacy. We take the matter of protecting your personal data as a high priority matter.


  1. EasyParcel Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter ‘EasyParcel’ or ‘our’ or ‘us’) is committed to prevent personal data of individuals being used in an inappropriate manner, and ensure compliance with legal, and regulatory requirements for data protection, and privacy. We take the matter of protecting your personal data as a high priority matter. EasyParcel shall ensure that the Personal Data (as defined below) of its Customers are protected at all times in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
  2. EasyParcel shall collect, process and use the Personal Data of its Customers in accordance with this Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”). All Personal Data will be handled and dealt with appropriately however it is collected, recorded and used, and whether it is on paper, in electronic records or recorded in other formats, on other media, or by any other means.


In this Privacy Notice, the following expressions shall have the meaning hereby respectively assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires:

“Customer(s)” means a person or company/organisation using the products and/or services of EasyParcel.
“Collection/Collect” in relation to personal data, means an act by which such personal data enters into or comes under the control of EasyParcel.
“Correction” in relation to personal data, includes amendment, variation, modification or deletion made by EasyParcel.
“Disclosure/Disclose” in relation to personal data, means an act by which such personal data is made available by EasyParcel.
“PDPA” Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Act 709) (including all future changes to the PDPA).
“Personal Data” means any information in respect of commercial transactions that relates to directly or indirectly to a Customer, who is identified or identifiable from that information or from that and other information in the possession of a Customer, including any Sensitive Personal Data (as explained below), and expression of opinion about a Customer. Such personal information about or which identifies individual(s) who is the customer, includes but not limited to individual(s)' names, addresses, identity card numbers (MyKad), passport numbers, telephone and/or facsimile numbers, photographs, fingerprints, and email and/or social media addresses.
Personal Data shall also include: - “Sensitive Personal Data” means any personal information consisting of information including but not limited to the physical or mental health or condition of a Customer, his/her political opinions, his/her religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission by him/her of any offence or any other personal data.
“Processing” in relation to personal data, means collecting, recording, holding or storing the personal data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the personal data, including (a) the organisation, adaptation or alteration of personal data; (b) the retrieval, consultation or use of personal data; (c) the disclosure of personal data by transmission, transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available; or (d) the alignment, combination, correction, erasure or destruction of Personal Data.

Collection and Processing

  1. This Privacy Notice serves to inform you that your Personal Data is being processed by or on behalf of EasyParcel and you hereby give your consent to the processing of your Personal Data by EasyParcel. The provision of your Personal Data is voluntary in nature. However, if you do not provide your personal data, we will not be able to process your personal data for the purposes as set out in this Privacy Notice and may cause us to be unable to provide our products and/or services or accept payments from you.

Types of Personal Data (Collection)

  1. The types of Personal Data EasyParcel receives from you including but not limited to:
    1. Personal information to establish your identity and background (including your age, gender, nationality, date of birth, your identity card number or passport number and your photograph);
    2. Personal information to establish your contact details (including mailing address, delivery address, telephone and/or facsimile numbers, email address and/or social media address (if applicable));
    3. Your user account/profile information including but not limited to your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey/ contest responses (if a corporate user, information about your business, such as company name, address, business type, owner, directors’ and shareholders’ details (if applicable)); if you are logging in and accessing our website using a third party social media network such as Facebook or Instagram or a web account hosting service such as Google or Apple, such account information that may be accessible by us (including your profile name, date of birth, email address, and mobile number), given your authorisation);
    4. Personal information that you provide when you apply for any of our products and services including but not limited to photos, videos, audio, messages, reviews you leave for network partners, customer service information, any feedback or testimonials that you may provide to us about our services or products, or such other content that you may publish on our websites;
    5. Personal information that may be required and you provide for risk/fraud/corruption management;
    6. Personal information of any past breaches of or convictions under any law (if applicable);
    7. Transaction Information including the details about payments made by and to you, and other details of services that you have ordered or purchased on our website; and
    8. Any other information supplied by you that can indirectly or directly identify you or required by us from time to time in connection with your use of our services or products.
  2. The types of Personal Data set out under Clause 4.1 is not a definitive or exhaustive list of all the personal data that we will collect from you. Nonetheless, we will only collect your personally identifiable information where it is necessary to provide our services or products to you and to accurately establish or verify the identities of individuals to a high degree of fidelity.
  3. You may have provided personal and financial information relating to others (including but not limited to spouse, related parties and/or emergency contact persons) for any of the Purposes (as defined hereunder). In such cases, you represent and warrant that you have their consent or are otherwise entitled to provide their information to EasyParcel to be used, processed and/or disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
  4. Please be advised that our services are not intended to extend to, nor do we knowingly collect personal information of, anyone under the legal age (i.e. 18 years old). As a parent or legal guardian, you are under the obligation to not allow a minor (minors under the age of 18) under your care to submit Personal Data to EasyParcel in their own capacity. In the event that such Personal Data is provided to EasyParcel, you hereby consent to the processing of the minor’s Personal Data and personally accept and agree to be bound by this Privacy Notice and shall take responsibility for his/her actions.

Sources of Personal Data

  1. Your Personal Data is being or is to be collected: -
    1. from your online application, registration or feedback form for our products and/or services;
    2. from your Malaysian Identification Card and/or Passport;
    3. from you directly when you submit your Personal Data to us;
    4. from any company representative of EasyParcel.
    5. from recordings of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) installed at our premises;
    6. from any analysis of the way the Customer uses and manages his/her account with EasyParcel;
    7. from any other forms, cards and documents through which we collect information from you;
    8. from publicly available sources or registries;
    9. from any third parties (including credit reference bodies, regulatory and law enforcement authorities) or other sources in respect of which you have given your consent to disclose the Personal Data and/or where not otherwise restricted;
    10. from any information that is supplied and/or collected when you visit our websites which includes your mobile device(s) or your computer(s)’s IP address(es); and
    11. from all other information that you may provide us from time to time.

Use of Personal Data

  1. EasyParcel shall collect, process, use and/or disclose your Personal Data within and/or outside Malaysia for the following reasons (“Purposes”): -
    1. to assess and process your application/registration for EasyParcel’s products and/or services and/or programs;
    2. to provide you with products and services under EasyParcel's business which includes any matters relating to the supply or exchange of goods or services;
    3. to manage and maintain your user account with EasyParcel;
    4. to do background verification checks on candidates for employment and for the purposes of exercising or performing any right or obligation which is conferred or imposed by law on EasyParcel in connection with candidates for employment including any referee whose personal data are provided by you (this only applies to job applicants);
    5. to perform our obligations in respect of any contract/agreement entered into with you, and for any legitimate business interests that we may have;
    6. to administer your User Account;
    7. to send bills, invoices and receipts;
    8. to process your orders and to enable the relevant network partners to provide their services to you;
    9. to process payments relating to any services that you have ordered or provided (if you are our network partner);
    10. for any reasons relating to advertising, publicity, marketing and communication relating to EasyParcel;
    11. for detection of crime or fraud, investigation, prevention, prosecution and compliance with sanctions, including Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and regular politically exposed persons (PEP) screening;
    12. for audit, compliance and risk management;
    13. to support our business, financial and risk monitoring, planning and decision making;
    14. to conduct credit checks and/or to assist other financial institutions to conduct credit checks;
    15. for debt collection and enforcement of your obligations to EasyParcel;
    16. to improve our services and to develop new products and/or services by analysing and researching on how you use our services or products;
    17. to notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our services, products and/or website(s);
    18. to respond to the requirements of a civil or criminal legal process and/or for regulatory compliance purpose and/or as required by Malaysian law or regulation;
    19. to compare information/data for accuracy of our record, and verify with third parties;
    20. to provide the Customer with information on our and third party products and services which may be of interest to the Customer;
    21. to research, design and improve our products and services, operational and business processes;
    22. for market research and statistical analysis and surveys with the aim of improving our products and services;
    23. to handle complaints and queries;
    24. to transfer or assign our rights and duties under any governing terms and conditions between EasyParcel and you;
    25. to perform shared services within EasyParcel;
    26. for the outsourcing of business and back-office operations of EasyParcel;
    27. for security reasons in particular, Personal Data collected from CCTVs installed at our premises;
    28. to transfer your Personal Data to foreign jurisdictions to enable any cross-border transactions, for the performance of a contract/agreement and for the purposes of legal proceedings, upon written request from any regulatory or government authority or body, and to protect your vital interest or where it is in the public interest to do so; and/or
    29. for any other reason that is required or permitted by any Malaysian law, regulation, order and/or guidelines.
  2. Based on your consent, we have the right to use your photos, images and recordings for our marketing, advertising and publicity purposes without any payment of royalty or image fees to you. We may also publish your name and photo on our website(s) at our absolute discretion when you become a winner in a contest which you participate in that we may from time to time organise. If you do not agree to such use, please contact us to request to withdraw your consent.

Disclosure of Personal Data

  1. Any and all of your Personal Data held by EasyParcel shall be kept confidential. However, in order to provide you with effective and continuous products and services and subject at all times to any laws, regulations, guidelines and this Privacy Notice, EasyParcel may need to disclose the Personal Data to the following parties:
    1. EasyParcel’s related companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, partners, agents, and employees;
    2. professional advisers (including but not limited to accountants, valuers, adjustors, auditors, lawyers, financial advisers or other professional advisers), contractors, service providers, and our other agents with whom we have contractual agreements for some of our functions and services;
    3. any financial institutions, and where applicable, e-wallet service providers, VISA International Services Association, MasterCard International Incorporated and other card associations in relation to any credit card and/or debit card issued to you;
    4. credit reporting agencies, rating agencies, insurers or insurance brokers;
    5. financial service providers in relation to EasyParcel’s products and services;
    6. any actual or potential participants or assignee or transferee of our rights and/or obligations under any transaction between EasyParcel and the Customer;
    7. any guarantor or security provider for the products and/or services granted by EasyParcel to the Customer;
    8. any Malaysian authorities or regulators, or any party as required by any Malaysian law or Malaysian Federal government, State governments, administrative, court or tribunal;
    9. strategic/business partners with whom EasyParcel have a relationship for specific products and services (including our IT service providers and third-party logistic partners);
    10. any person connected to the enforcement or preservation of any of our rights under your agreement with EasyParcel; and/or
    11. any party authorised and/or consented to by you;
  2. The disclosure of the Personal Data may involve the transfer of your Personal Data to places outside of Malaysia, and by providing EasyParcel with your Personal Data, you agree to such a transfer where it is required to provide you with the products or services you have requested, and for the performance of any contractual obligations, you have with EasyParcel including for storage purposes.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

  1. As we are a part of EasyParcel’s group companies, your Personal Data may be transferred to one or more EasyParcel’s group companies as needed for data processing and storage, providing you with access to our services, providing customer support, making decisions about improvements to our services, content development or for other purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice.
  2. When you submit Personal Data to us, whether through your interactions with our website, our offices or our events, you acknowledge that your Personal Data may be transferred outside Malaysia where it will be stored and processed by us, any of EasyParcel’s group companies and our suppliers for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice.
  3. When we transfer your Personal Data outside Malaysia, we will comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in relation to your Personal Data, including having a lawful basis for transferring Personal Data and putting appropriate safeguards in place to ensure an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data. We will also ensure that the foreign recipient is obligated to protect your Personal Data at a standard of protection comparable to the protection under Malaysian law.
  4. In the event of a sale of business, disposal, acquisition, merger or reorganisation involving EasyParcel and/or the assets/business or part thereof of EasyParcel to another party (whether within Malaysia or otherwise), your Personal Data may be deemed by EasyParcel as required, to be disclosed and/or transferred to the other party in the course of or with a view to the sale, disposal, acquisition, merger or reorganisation of EasyParcel. In such an event, EasyParcel will attempt to notify you before your Personal Data is transferred, but you may only have the right to opt out of, or object to, any such transfer to the extent allowed under the PDPA.

Rights to Access, Correct and Update the Personal Data

  1. Subject always to our contractual rights and obligations under relevant laws and regulations, you will be entitled to review your Personal Data that EasyParcel may have collected and may request access, correction or an update of your Personal Data.
  2. If you believe that your Personal Data in your user account is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or not up to date, you may contact our Customer Service at Any such request should also clearly state the details of personal data in respect of which the request is being made. We will put our best efforts to adhere to your request to access or correct or update your personal information within fourteen (14) days of receiving your Data Access/Correction/Update Request and the relevant processing fee (if any).
  3. Information or documents may be requested from the person making the request to verify the authenticity of the person and any information relating to the access/corrections/updates requested.

Data Security & Retention

  1. EasyParcel shall take appropriate security measures to manage and protect the personal data from any loss, misuse, modification, unauthorised or accidental access or disclosure, alteration or destruction when processing personal data.
  2. EasyParcel will not retain any personal data for a period longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which it is to be processed. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that such personal data is destroyed or permanently deleted when it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purpose for which the personal data was collected, or is no longer necessary for our legal, regulatory, or audit obligations.

Marketing Communications

  1. If you have given us your permission, EasyParcel may use your Personal Data to market EasyParcel’s products and services and to deliver targeted marketing and advertising, service updates, promotional offers and for the purposes of cross-selling. As such, you may receive marketing communications (including mail, telephone, SMS, text/picture/video online instant messaging, email or other correspondence methods) about EasyParcel or its affiliates, strategic partners’, sponsors’ or advertisers’ services, promotions, special offers, events or activities that may be of interest to you.
  2. For the purposes of direct marketing, your Personal Data may be disclosed to third parties which would include service providers and strategic business partners of EasyParcel. You may opt out from receiving such marketing communications at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions or using the unsubscribe links within the emails that we send to you or contact us at Please note, however, that as long as you remain as a user with EasyParcel, you may not “opt out” of receiving user-related notifications and materials from us, failing which, we will not be able to provide user-related services to you.
  3. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the third parties we are sharing your Personal Data with also have appropriate privacy and confidentiality obligations.

Third Party Websites

  1. Some pages on our website may include links to third party websites. These third-party sites are governed by their own privacy statements that are external to our policies and EasyParcel is not responsible for their privacy practices, operations and contents of these third-party links. EasyParcel shall not be responsible for any unauthorised access by a third party and/or the corruption of information/data being sent by any individuals to EasyParcel via internet communications or electronic mail. Please be advised to review the privacy policy/notice of every site you visit.


  1. If you have any enquiries about this Privacy Notice, or have any further enquiries, or would like to make a complaint or data access or correction or update request in respect of your Personal Data, you may contact us at

Changes to the Privacy Notice

  1. This Privacy Notice shall be modified/updated/amended by EasyParcel from time to time. If we modify/update/amend our Privacy Notice, we will publish the latest version on our website. You are advised to view our website from time to time for our latest Privacy Notice. Your continued use of our products or services after any such change whether or not you received an email from us notifying you of any changes, constitutes your acceptance of the changes.


  1. This Privacy Notice is issued in English and other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between these versions, the English version shall prevail.
(Last updated 2 August 2022)